Main Interest
- 1851 Great Exhibition
- 1853 Crystal Palace accident
- 1855 & 1867 Expositions
- 1862 International Exhibition
- 1864 Rammell's pneumatic railway
- 1903 Motor show
- 1904 Motor Show
- 1908 Franco-British Exhibition
- 1908-1914 Great White City
- 1911 Coronation Exhibition
- 1911 Festival of Empire
- 1920 IWM & Great Victory Exhibition
- 1921 Poultry Show
- 1924-1925 British Empire Exhibition
- 1930 Antwerp Exhibition
- 1936 Crystal Palace Fire
- 1937 Exposition Internationale
- 1938 Glasgow Exhibition
- 1951 Festival of Britain
- 1998-1999 anti multiplex protest
- 2000 Millennium Dome
- Aeronautics
- Alexandra Palace
- Anerley and Penge
- Art and architecture
- Beckenham
- Biographies & Works
- Camille Pissarro
- Children's books
- Circus
- Collecting
- Colouring & drawing
- CPF Publications
- Cricket and Bowling
- Croydon and Norbury
- Crystal Palace & area
- Crystal Palace Company & bankruptcy
- Crystal Palace police
- Crystal Palace School of Engineering
- Cycling
- Delamotte images
- Dinosaurs
- Dulwich & Kingswood House
- Edward Milner & gardening
- Emile Zola
- Exhibition history
- Family history
- Fireworks
- Football
- Girl Guides 75th anniversary
- Great North Wood
- Guide Books & Orienteering
- Ideal Home & South London exhibitions
- Illustrated Crystal Palace Gazette
- Infomart, Dallas, USA
- Isambard K. Brunel
- Maps of London
- Motor Sport
- Music & Religion
- North tower lift
- Norwood New Town
- Novels
- Public transport
- Raffaele Monti
- Railways
- Rare & out of print
- Refreshments
- Sport - other
- St. Joseph's College, Beulah Hill
- Steampunk collection
- Sydenham & Forest Hill
- Sydenham fire station
- Television history & John Logie Baird
- West Norwood and Cemetery
- World War One
- World War Two
Sport in the Crystal Palace |
The Complete Treasury of Sport in the Crystal Palace
by Eddie Mitchell
Eddie covers the following sporting activities held at Crystal Palace:
- Bicycle racing
- Motor racing
- Archery
- American football
- Race walking
- Rugby Union
- Rugby League
- Backwards running
- Underwater hockey
- Basketball
- Athletics
- Boxing
- Aikido
- Judo
- Modern Pentathlon
- Swimming
- Table tennis
- Trampolining
- Water polo
17 illustrations 116 pages
How this book came about.
The Crystal Palace has and always will have a special place in my heart. This area of South London was my playground as a child, not just the Palace grounds but the entire area surrounding it. People overseas probably have not heard of Anerley, Penge or South Norwood, but they have more than likely heard of the Crystal Palace.
My first recollections of the Palace were the Prisoners of War. I vaguely remember them walking along the pavement directly outside the Palace fencing. They wore a greenish jump-suit with a large yellow circle or target on their backs. Although there were a large number of prisoners, there were very few guards.
The Crystal Palace is a truly wonderful place with its prehistoric animals, the television tower, the motor racing circuit and the athletic track; it even had its own zoo at one time.
In 1985 I was living in Arlington, Texas. While on a trip home to the Palace I was asked if I would represent the Crystal Palace Foundation at a special ceremony to open Infomart, a replica of the Crystal Palace in Dallas, Texas.
My father used to have his hair cut at Eric’s Barber Shop at 84 Anerley Road, London. SE19, it was the meeting place where the Foundation was originally formed in April 1979.