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The Illustrated Crystal Palace Gazette

Price: £12.00

This 14 issue magazine was published by Charles James Blake of 4 St. Ann's Place, Upper Sydenham for the Crystal Palace Company from October 1853 to August 1854 - the circulation of the last issue was only 1,120 so maybe that is why closed as no more issues are lnown. Blake was declared insolvent in 1855.

The magazine was printed by Samuel Cockshaw of 6 Horse shoe-court, Ludgate Hill.

Read all about the the final setting up, opening and first 3 months of the Crystal Palace at Sydenham. proposals for the Crystal Palace and grounds, advertisements, articles, stories and the fears, and congratulations to and from the directors of the Crystal Palace Company.

192 pages

Supplied on a CD or memory stick. Please indicate on your order which version you prefer.