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Price: £25.00

By Professor Angus Buchanan.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806 – 1859) is rightly admired as one of the greatest of all engineers. His leading role in the transport revolution of the nineteenth century, and especially in the building of the Great Western Railway (GWR), left an indelible mark on the British landscape. His achievements captured the imagination of his contemporaries and subsequent generations. His colossal energy and determination to carry out projects on the largest scale to an extremely high standard set him apart from his rivals.

Brunel tells the story both of the engineer who followed his father Marc into what was then a new profession, and of the man. It explores his successes and failures, at home and abroad, including both the broad gauge GWR and the SS Great Eastern bring out Brunel’s imagination, drive and inventiveness.
Above all, it sets him in the context of his times, showing what made him who he was and how he made the most of the great opportunities offered to him.

Of particular interest to enthusiasts of Crystal Palace history will be the rarely seen detailed constructional history of the north and south water towers. This is together with over 30 chapter notes and a bibliography where even more information may be found.

320 pages hardback 33 illustrations