Main Interest
- 1851 Great Exhibition
- 1853 Crystal Palace accident
- 1855 & 1867 Expositions
- 1862 International Exhibition
- 1864 Rammell's pneumatic railway
- 1903 Motor show
- 1904 Motor Show
- 1908 Franco-British Exhibition
- 1908-1914 Great White City
- 1911 Coronation Exhibition
- 1911 Festival of Empire
- 1920 IWM & Great Victory Exhibition
- 1921 Poultry Show
- 1924-1925 British Empire Exhibition
- 1930 Antwerp Exhibition
- 1936 Crystal Palace Fire
- 1937 Exposition Internationale
- 1938 Glasgow Exhibition
- 1951 Festival of Britain
- 1998-1999 anti multiplex protest
- 2000 Millennium Dome
- Aeronautics
- Alexandra Palace
- Anerley and Penge
- Art and architecture
- Beckenham
- Biographies & Works
- Camille Pissarro
- Children's books
- Circus
- Collecting
- Colouring & drawing
- CPF Publications
- Cricket and Bowling
- Croydon and Norbury
- Crystal Palace & area
- Crystal Palace Company & bankruptcy
- Crystal Palace police
- Crystal Palace School of Engineering
- Cycling
- Delamotte images
- Dinosaurs
- Dulwich & Kingswood House
- Edward Milner & gardening
- Emile Zola
- Exhibition history
- Family history
- Fireworks
- Football
- Girl Guides 75th anniversary
- Great North Wood
- Guide Books & Orienteering
- Ideal Home & South London exhibitions
- Illustrated Crystal Palace Gazette
- Infomart, Dallas, USA
- Isambard K. Brunel
- Maps of London
- Motor Sport
- Music & Religion
- North tower lift
- Norwood New Town
- Novels
- Public transport
- Raffaele Monti
- Railways
- Rare & out of print
- Refreshments
- Sport - other
- St. Joseph's College, Beulah Hill
- Steampunk collection
- Sydenham & Forest Hill
- Sydenham fire station
- Television history & John Logie Baird
- West Norwood and Cemetery
- World War One
- World War Two
Post cards and related collectibles of the Festival of Britain |
By George Simner and Bill Tonkin
This is an in depth study of picture post cards and souvenirs of the Festival of Britain.
Hundreds of publishers are included and thousands of cards explained.
It quantifies the huge number of different images used by the publishers and shows that many of these representations were pirated from fellow publishers.
There are images of the Festival and peripheral events and personalities and much more. Backs of cards are illustrated together with many strange peculiarities and variations created by publishers.
There is a cross referencing index to enable the reader to find cards of specific events.
Many extensive collections of Festival of Britain Postcards have been used to compile this significant reference work
This is truly a bible for Festival of Britain historians and postcard collectors alike.
Awarded the Desmond Chamberlain Trophy for outstanding research.
PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a picture book of Festival of Britain postcards - it is an in depth research study and collectors checklist of Festival of Britain postcards and related collectibles. It shows many type variations, lists publishers and shows some views.
192 pages hundreds of illustrations
Available printed on CD or memory stick as a pdf